I'm feeling that my gut is trying to tell me that this move overseas isn't for me...right now.
I think shortening my departure time frame has put me in a panic.
Job searching had become the bane of my existence. As selfish as it may sounds, I don't want to teach.
I wouldn't mind voluteering for a few years somewhere, but I think my health needs to be a lot better than it is in order to save the world (><)
I'm not throwing in the towel just yet damn it!!!!! I refuse to be the person that didn't seek out opportunities and missed out on amazing things.
Most of the test results I took last doctor visit were good. No cancer (she had to give me a 2nd test, 1st was inconclusive), no diabetes, no high blood pressure.
Flip side...slightly calcium deficient, protein deficient, low blood sugar, side effects of meds are starting to rear their ugly heads...
My workouts had calmed down, but of course I panicked and now I've become experimental and all over the place. Maybe 150 lunges and squat is a bit excessive. I really do hate pushing my body to immobility...fuckin' defeats the purpose of working out. I've been sprinting and walking on the treadmill these days. I actually enjoy running that way. Why must trial and error be the only way to figure this out? I've decided to not be stagnate with my exercise. I like mixing it up...keeping my body guessing it the goal YOTB!
I'm feeling trapped and not having much of an outlet. Thinking too much has become problematic, so I'm going to start yoga and meditation on the weekends. If Mandy teaches classes in my apt. I will definitely have no excuse for missing it.
I should just publish my book and sell it and live off that...enoughs enough!!!!