Its been about a month since I've updated and I be damned if I was going to write a woe is me post. I don't have time for that. Enjoy the pictures. My new tat and some fun poses that I like doing...
I've started TEFL English teacher training. I have to be really strict with studying and not waste time going at a snails pace. I've given myself til September to have the 120 hours over and done with.
I've set up my 1st Piyo (Pilate's yoga mix)teaching class this coming Sunday. We'll see if anyone actually shows up. I mean its free and its at my apt. What more could they want?!?!?! Seriously!! I expect it to be the worst, but whatever. I'm looking to have fun and have my own playlist WOOT!!! WOOT!!!
I've got myself a yoga mentor I'm following like a puppy. Her name is Jill. I'm going to so many yoga classes and workshops that I've really lost my mind. I've decide that Vinyasa and Bikram are my favorite forms of yoga. I get so much out of them!!! On top of applying for English teaching jobs, I've started applying for scholarships through yoga ashrams and charity organizations overseas. I want to juggle all of these things and let the chips fall where they may.
No overthinking or overplanning anymore.
I'm in a good place and don't want to lose my momentum. I just have to continue to stay on track and focused. The lotus on my back is to remind me of my potential, my growth, and new beginnings. I seriously feel invincible...
I think Janelle Monae says it best...
"When you get elevated,
They love it or they hate it
You dance up on them haters
Keep getting funky on the scene
While they jumpin' round ya
They trying to take all your dreams
But you can't allow it...
See I'm not walkin' on it
Or tryin' to run around it
This ain't no acrobatics
You either follow or you lead, yeah
I'm talkin' bout you..."
You get the point, check out the song :)