May 24, 2011

Decided to just go to France and learn Chinese

please enjoy photos...1st is at Japanese all you can eat, which I ate all I could and almost died from 1st degree burns. 2nd photo is Yin and Regina (whom I'm staying with until I go to France). 3rd photo is of me, last day at the school. (yes that is a look of huge indifference)

Verdict is in...drumroll please..."your visa request is rejected" Me: ok, I quit.
I made it that simple. I've been waiting since January for this. They waited til a month ago to move their asses and I just don't have the time. I called Tiger mom up and told her about my situation. (Of course she's in flight somewhere...) She tells me that I can just apply for a new visa while in France and we can work on it while we're there. She suggest that, worst case scenerio, she can have my return flight rerouted to the States and I can just work on it there. I'm not sure why or how she made it sound so easy and fixable. I calmly say ok, hangup with her, and begin to panick at this point. I've quit the private school and will remain with the pimp school until I figure things out.

Pluses: I'm down to 6 students. They will all be officially mine and no more middleman (pimp school) taking their cut when I come back from France. I've paid rent up until I leave. I know where I'm storing my things while I'm away. I now have time for Bikram and Chinese lessons...the list goes on.

Minuses: Missing income(wasn't much to begin with), a little homelessness when I return, oh yeah that Visa thing.

I've talked to so many people and everyone seems to be in the same boat. They've been changing the Visa requirements everyday it seems. Which to my private schools surprise, they "did not have the power to get Visas and the government wants more Chinese working in Chinese school". I laughed when I heard this, mainly because of my photo shoot for the brochure a month ago. 'Yes this school is international, look at the Black lady in the pamphlet.' The headmaster has lost face and seems to think that his "guanxi" or relations with the government was something short of amazing. Guess not. Whatever. Moving on.

Meanwhile, Vida (implant from Lithuania by way of Tokyo) has become my roommate. She's a friend of Jakes (now mine) that needed to come to Shanghai to defend her thesis at Fudong University. She's extremely smart and has been a huge asset in keeping me sane these past few weeks. She so reasonable and rational. I see a Ph.D in her future for sure. She suggested I find a language program at one of the many universities, apply and convert visa to a student visa to buy some time for me to think about what I can/want to do.---One option
Jo has a 'guy' I can talk to and get some suggestions. I say "of course you have a guy".--Another option

I'm not as stressed about my situation as I was initially. I want to use my time and money wisely now (considering the little of both I have for the time being). I will call the Chinese consulate in Paris to confirm whether or not Tiger mom was right and see what papers THEY need for visas. (as soon as I figure out the time difference)I will start looking at fitness places again to work at. I really feel thats where my heart is at. Meanwhile get in shape, so that I'm somewhat hirable...SO MUCH WORK TO BE DONE.

no more being absurd and lazy.

thats all for now folks.

May 11, 2011

My patience and time is short these days

I've solved 2 of the 3 issues I had previously. I got insurance for my trip and found a place to live for 24 days for free on June 1st. I am STILL working on my visa. I don't like threatening people, so I 'PROMISED' the school that if my visa isn't taken care of by June 1st, I will not return for the next term in the fall. I am told its a long process the first time, but this is really too much. Worst case scenerio is I go back to the states (f'n expensive)after my summer in France, apply for a job and work visa like most normal people and come back to China. I am dead set on not stepping foot on US soil again until I can speak Chinese and have gotten everything out of this 'experience' that I possibly can. I'm clearly stubborn and/or dumb right now.

I've cut down the number of private students to 6. I've decided this will definitely give me less grey hair. I've not been to the gym or worked out really in almost 2 months now. Somehow discouragement and motivation go hand in hand. Having a boyfriend makes me fat, lazy and spoiled. *mental note: think about perhaps not having a boyfriend*
Jo is good. I told him I've been reading forums and having discussions about how Nigerians are a crazy bunch and to be in a relationship with one is "proceed with caution". He laughs at me tells me "Most Black people (meaning the Africans) here in Shanghai are rude and that he doesn't trust any of them." He then ask me "Why do you think I don't introduce you to anyone when we go out." I reply "because you're rude?" He says "No, because someone will try to challenge me to try and take you from me" I laugh and say "well Spartacus, good to know you are not wanting to fight for me and we live in such a barbaric time". He looks at me kisses me on the forehead and says "its a cultural thing that I'm not sure I can explain in English, so work harder learning Chinese and we can have more serious conversations" He's an asshole sometimes. Patronizing me. My 7 year old student, Ken told me he was also disappointed in my Chinese learning. He told me last week that "Lǎoshī D hěn cōngmíng" (Teacher D is very smart/clever).wèishéme zài nǐ de zhōngwén xuéxí (why bad at studying your chinese?) I told him "Wǒ míngbái nǐ gāngcái shuō de!!!!" (I understand what you just said) He sighs and pats me on the back and says in English "we will work hard together. i'm going to practice a little piano and you study some chinese. english lesson after." Whats with these kids having me questioning my life choices...hilarious.

One of my lovely Chinese friends told me she bought me this new thing in China called a "Groupon" for yoga classes.(yes Groupon is finally here, I am in so much trouble now) She wants me to go with her. All I could do was laugh. I like WHEN the stars do feel like lining up in my favor. Fate is kind of amazing.

this is my life...for now