Jun 26, 2014

You've missed nothing...

So its been a year...well about 7 months since I posted. I honestly had nothing to update.
No, no, no I've been lazy and preoccupied. I've narrowed my island move to Taiwan. Its often called China lite due to the feel of Japan (the delicious food, nice people, organized and neat) and the prices of mainland (not too expensive). Its met my criteria due to its location near water (its surrounded). I still want to visit other islands, so that's still on the agenda. How and when is for later.
I've been visiting other cities in mainland and trying to see "real china" before I take my final leave. I'm amazed at how many locals don't know the names of many cities outside of their own provinces. Its been funny, because I've been taking monthly trips to places and returning with pictures and stories. They ask me "where did you go", I reply "Yingtan". They respond with "yingtong? yongtong?, or [insert the millions of ways they attempt to pronounce it and missing the damn point of me trying to tell them about my trip they were so damn nosey to get the details about. ugh]. 什吗 Ying (What Ying?)" I tell them "ying as in eagle and tan as in lake or pond". This goes back and forth until they give up and say "I don't think you're saying it correctly, there is no such place". I'm now to the point where I say "oh ok, probably". Knowing damn well Yingtan is a real place that I really went to see some real mountains. I'm to the point now where I say "oh I was sick, that's why I asked for the days off". 
My patience level (aka BSTL bullshit tolerance level) has impressively increased. I'm getting better at ignoring the dumb shit and accepting the things I cannot change, changing the things I can and...you know the rest.

No jaw dropping updates really. I've gained a ton so I'm going to the gym. I'm not bitching about, but just going. I've decided to push myself harder for the next 10 weeks, considering how I should have done this 4 months ago while I was stuffing my face with ALL possible great local foods while traveling.

I will soon quit my current company and move on to a better opportunity that will springboard me faster and smoother to Taiwan...

I've had to say countless good-byes to good friends. It made me wonder if I'm being left behind and then I quickly remember (while laughing at myself for worrying) that my path is drawn as I go. 

Art is not for the cultivated taste. It is to cultivate taste.
~Nikki Giovanni

Anne with an "e" wishes you well!

Jun 25, 2014

I needed reminding...sadly from a quiz

Anne Shirley...

You live more inside your own dream world than out; you're imaginative, intelligent and always look for the best in each person you come across (unless they’ve personally insulted you, of course). You're a dreamer who makes the best of every situation even when there doesn’t seem to be much hope. While you put on a happy face to the world, you often find yourself in the depths of despair where you struggle with loneliness. And while you can talk the hind leg off a cow, you do need time for inner reflection so you can recharge. You are loyal, hot tempered, and the most idealistic kindred spirit.

You're likely an INFP.