As I sit at work wondering how much more UMLER fixing I can take, I'm debating whether or not to go to the gym twice today or not. I was down for the count and extremely sore yesterday because of Wednesdays PiYo class. I'm sure its great and all that I'm pushing myself, but how much pain does one take to gain.
I am patiently waiting to hear about the demise of my company. Its a strange and numb feeling to wait for your walking papers. I'm a little anxious for this to be swift kick in the butt that I need. I have so many plans and things I want to "when I become unemployed". I'm counting my chicken before they hatch and I'm ok with it.
I do thank everyone thats supporting and encouraging me on this roller coaster ride.
hang in there - you're doing great. And Umler isn't that bad, there's a new one coming soon, right?