I will treat you all to some pics of me doing strange things...
So I've decided to start saying "when I move" instead of "hopefully" or "thinking". This is going to happen.
I'm looking for recruiters (agents and agencies that assist with jobs in foreign lands) and using all my friends to help as well. The lead I had before wants a lot more money than I'm willing to pay. I know I can do this without have to got bankrupt in the process.
It warms my heart to know that so many of my friends have happily rallied up for me. Your help is immeasurealbe and priceless. Leen, Dana, Lando, Jake and everyone in between. I'm so grateful to have the good sense to meet good people and make them my friends. I'm rusty at networking, but its not going to stop or diminish my resolve here.
I will keep you updated on the progress of this. I need to get a better pic of myself to send off with my resume. Maybe pictures that look like mug shots are not really ideal for job applications.
Health is good. I'm integrating the no meat, no dairy, no oils, no processed foods into a more doable and sustainable lifestyle choice. I've got the energy. That natural crack high...gotta love it. My yoga has taken on a life of its own. I've always been flexible, but I'm able to do poses that I've never thought of trying before. This is crazy, but I'm amazing myself with my "feats of strength". (Which is what I call ALL the things I do no matter how great or small. If I don't think highly of myself can't expect anyone else to, right?)
It seems my confidence is not lacking, nor do I hide how awesome I am. hahahahhahaha
Stay tuned for more stuff and things...
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