The season is changing here Marilla. I've been here 17 days (12 of which I was actually conscious for), and it seems like I've been here forever. It feels like Chicago fall without the leaves changing and the lake smell. Its a little dreary but liveable. Turns out walking outside without a hat in the chilly rain can give you the sniffles...ugh. I just want to be a vegetable all of a sudden. Oh hey bank account, I know...I know.
I found a fancy version of Julius Meinl in Shanghai to do some JOB HUNTING at. Its appropriately called Wagas. Depot for non Chinese foreign jerks to hangout and listen to great music (i.e. Tracey Thorn remixes I've never heard before) while being snotty about their coffee (yes my hand is raise because I like good coffee, sue me). Super trendy but not obnoxious. Prices are so so (meaning cheaper then in the States but hilarious to pay more then 10RMB for a cup of coffee)...FREE INTERNET. Which isn't saying much, its free everywhere here. (They just block the HELL out of ALL the good sites) The coffee is illy, good salads and fruit that I've deemed safe for now. My paranoid diet has become crackers (there are a million varieties here for only 2-5RMB awesome), water, coffee, tea. I don't want the near death experience to happen again. At least not anytime soon.
How's that nosey Rachel doing Marilla? Sorry no scandalous stories for her to share with the world. There might be some youtube footage of me dancing with 10yr old plum whiskey, a dj, and a stage somewhere. I've blocked it from my memory...
You should be happy to know that as much as I've cursed the spreadsheet gods, I've started one for job searching. I think its a good idea to keep track of the people I'm meeting (not that its THAT many) and where I'm dishing the resume out to.
So I've discovered that most yoga studios want someone that speaks some Chinese in order to work there...fine. Learning Chinese just moved to #1 instead of #2. Now to start doing that.
Now thats all for me Anne with an "e"
*now enjoy my picture of me looking like I want a job and/or a prisoner maybe. not really sure. its bad either way, ARGHHHHH...
"Don't give up trying to find your way. But do remember that sometimes it takes bending to avoid breaking."
~Katinka Hesselink