I didn't die, surprisingly, from the "China Bug", but I felt pretty damn close. Jake saw me at my lowest and he still wants to be my roommate...he's a keeper for sure.
So Eliz is gone and the time for Jake to leave for the states is growing closer. I will admit that I was a little nervous at first to think of being here by myself. Then I realized that I'm not by myself at all. I've discovered this thing called NETWORKING...maybe you've heard of it. I usually have a negative (moreso annoying actually) connotation with this term and never took the idea of it very seriously. I mainly associated it with people in suits having meetings, fake smiling and doing lots of dog and pony shows to impress. I'm well aware of my narrow minded view and will be the 1st to admit that that is a dumb way to look at it. I don't think I've really tried to "network" before per se, but I'm finding it interesting and useful now. I feel like a sponge wanting to meet and talk to people. I've never been this excited to look for work and actually want to meet people. (Because I don't like most people so this is kind of a big deal)
China was never on the list of places to go and actually live. Its always been Japan. After some encouraging words from Jake and Josh over some delicious soup and Baos, I laugh at myself for having doubts and feeling discouraged. Of course in my head I'm skipping and jumping in excitement (in the Mary Tyler Moore fashion of hat tossing and twirling in the street) I really am in my own little world sometimes. China will do for now. Its going to be my stepping stone. I am in Asia which was a goal...now to get even closer and learn a new language. Whose going to be marketable? HOLLA!!!! (I'm trying to pump myself up for this ridiculous hill I'm about to climb)
While Josh was here (all of 13 or 14 hours)I got to meet some really good people with his program and got some connects that live here in Shanghai!
I'm excited about going to the gym after being sick. Makes me angry when I feel like crap AND I can't workout. I did a 2 hour run/walk, weights, yoga session at the gym. I've seriously never wanted to be Madonna, but if her lifestyle lets her do ALL of those things ALL of the time...I seriously want to be her!
Now off to gym/network/get job and stuff...
~lovable Anne
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