Now at the beginning of my 6th week here. After 9 interviews and no real solid ANYTHING, I'm feeling especially frustrated. I noticed my boiling frustration when a Shanghainese lady in her pajamas (cause low class Shanghainese people freaking walk around in their pajamas with some nice church shoes, most ridiculous thing ever) visibly scowls and scoffs at me saying "something, something Laowi". I looked at her and shook my head. All I could think was "can you seriously be judging me while you're in the state you're in". I bit my tongue and came home. I, unnecessarily, imagined all the people I'd interviewed with having the fucking nerve to look down on me.
My confidence won't be shaken, but I need to remember that I can't take this personal. Pretty sure its like teaching 20 four year olds (not strangling or killing them) for an hour and then being told by a somewhat dicey principal that they "want a male teacher". You have to be fucking kidding me. Its not like I could do a sex change mid lesson. You knew very well from the beginning whether you wanted male or female, please come up with a less bullshit excuse. That on top of the practices of the people in charge at the Scholastic office. The Shanghai division of Scholastic is a not ideal for me apparently. I've decided to write the Scholastic US main office and let them know that there is a poor representation of the tried and true Scholastic of the States. Not because I'm bitter, but because its true. (ok maybe 75% bitterness and not like they'll read it anyway) If I wanted to work in disorganized mess, I would've stayed at CIT...ugh.
I'm well aware that China is full of incompetent schools and people. Just know I've turned on my bullshit meter and I've worked for ridiculous people and companies that have had me honing my "calling bullshit" skills.
Come on Monday whatcha got...
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