Yes Marilla, I said it. I've been ho-ing around. I've become apart of the English teaching prostitution game here in Shanghai. By way of one of the fellas I've met (lets call him pimp for consistency sake) Since I've not been able to find a full time job, I've taken on part time work at a few language schools/centers...thus my journey into the dark side of English teaching has begun.
I get a text message anytime from 3pm to 10pm that guy X and girl B need a tutor at Y time that day or next day. The location is sent to me in Chinese and I'm to show the cab driver and they will take me to whatever god forsaken place I'm being ask to go to...(its been mainly millionaire families that have money to throw away and around to give their precious child EXTRA lessons. I'm not complaining)
The students/parents pay for the cab and I get paid, hopefully in a month (200RMB per hour and you get paid once a month. I'm still in my 1st month, ugh...i thank my fairy godmother for the recent help in my money issue that i can't begin to calmly go into) If I don't get a text, I'm suppose to call or go by the language center/school, along with the rest of the "English teaching whores" and find out where my next "john" (student) will be. Its a little competitive, but I'm not trying to "choke a bitch" over some teaching job...no ma'am. Nothing but class over here.
I've acquired 5 regular students (customers). A 3yro girl, 6yro boy, 9yro girl, 17yro guy, 27 yro married mother. There are others that are on my regular schedule that are thrown in from time to time, but these are my staple private students. I'm in the process of figuring out proper lesson plans to guide them. This is challenging and what I needed. The married mother only wants to talk about makeup and "how is it you don't wear any?" The 9 year old girl has full on ADD and refuses to speak English. 6 year old boy just wants to read to me (less work for me). the 17year old high schooler is being forced by his dad to study so its complicated (having to tell him to do his homework so we can go over it)
The 3 year old scares me to death. Not because she's a kid (I might be over that lil problem), but because English is her 3rd language and she's smart as hell. She was born in the UK (nice loophole to get around the 1 child thing here in China apparently) and her family lived in Germany. So she speaks Chinese, German, and English. Did I mention she's 3 damn years old. She laughs at my weak attempts at speaking Chinese to her to explain English words, while singing "the wheels on the bus go round 'n round"...Her name is Happy. She's the sweetest and cutest thing ever. We have discussions on Winnie the Pooh and how Eeyore should be more prevalent in the stories. She's going to be a force to recon with one day. I asked her "do you know what world domination is Happy?"...she looks at me with her big 3 year old eyes "what is a dommimation, we look it up". I pat her on the head and tell her "you'll find out soon enough when you're running things"
thus my whoring continues...
ye$$, adorable 3-yo is winning over your heart/soul, and hopefully filling your pocketbook? thumbs up, deefsies.