On the cake of my experiences in China.
So I've not updated due to the fact that I'm stupid busy trying to get use to working in a private school, while juggling the private students that I've successfully STOLEN from the pimp school that I sometimes work with, dating a Nigerian guy named Jo and trying to find a good internet connect is impossible!!!!
Ok here we go, a summary of the past month.
The private school:
1st, is it hilarious.I have been there about 5 weeks now. The students are comfortable enough to call me fat and beautiful at the same time. My Chinese teacher assistant jumps in to reprimand them (me being initially happy and surprised then immediately awkward) and quickly tells them that "Teacher D is not fat, she is sexy. Right Teacher D?". This was not in my lesson plan to teach, so I uncomfortable smile and prayed that the Chinese assistant wouldn't come to my rescue again. 2nd, they treat English class like gym class. Once I realized that I am was hired to give the school more of an "international appearance", my frustration with teaching 13 forty minute classes of 36 students of varying ages (6 to 12) and English levels (they can say hi or tell me the fruit and things they like and dislike) subsided. My sole purpose for these kids is to just teach them how to SPEAK English. I don't care what!!!! 3rd, the paperwork and stamping that's involved in ANYTHING done here is mind blowing. Because my work visa paperwork isn't complete, I get the pleasure of going to HK again. My indifference and/or mild frustration is duly noted by the headmaster. (mainly because I told him and told him that compensation was necessary for my unnecessary troubles)
The pimp "school":
I have started to put my foot down with them and refusing people I don't want. They might not know the word, but I'm showing them what AUDACITY means. I let them know "bu qing" (it ain't happening) most of the time now. They think they're taking advantage of me, but I'm letting them know that I'm not going to make money for them so easily anymore.
The guy:
Jo is funny, former physicist - now he does distribution of pharmaceutical equipment between China and anywhere you name it, extremely good looking, great to hangout with, and might be a keeper. Who knows, I'm enjoying myself and taking one day at a time.
The earthquake/tsunami/radiation:
The last earthquake was felt in Beijing yesterday (today is Thursday). We are told not to eat seafood and stay indoors as much as possible. Few people are panicking about the radiation, but everyone seems on alert. I'm not too worried myself, especially after the nuclear fusion lesson I got from Jo and worst case scenario possibilities. Because the proximity is close, our biggest fear is wind. Heading west for a few weeks might be doable, but we'll see. I'm hoping that the layer of pollution over China can prove to be a good sheilding force field. (I've watched too much Star Trek sorry) Radiation levels are being monitored in all major cities. We seem to be ok for now.
I will try and keep everyone posted and updated as much as I can. In the meanwhile enjoy looking at my hair do :)
love, love from east
anne with an 'e'
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