I made arrangements with Agnes (secretly), she would meet me in Paris and Alisha gave me her information if Agnes couldn't help. Hairong took a train to Paris THE DAY BEFORE I WAS SUPPOSE TO LEAVE AND DID NOT TELL ME. (meaning I needed to stay and watch the children) Alisha said that she wanted to go buy ANOTHER house in Paris and she would return late that night (4hour train ride to Paris, buy house and do some shopping, return on 4hour train to the house at midnight) So Alisha, Solange, and Hairong rode the train together. When Alisha got to Paris she call me and said that that was the longest train ride she'd ever had. Alisha agreed to take Pierre with her to Beijing but ONLY UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS
1. You cannot interfere with the choices I make for Pierre from this point on
2. You cannot change Jaques school. If he can work hard with Danielle for a good year he will be able to go to the Swiss school with Solange
3. You need to keep Danielle. You won't find someone like her. EVER (I have become more of a counselor for him than a tutor. Alisha thinks that is what he needs right now)
Hairong said she would agree to all terms. I told Alisha "we'll see. she is a very good actress". Alisha was convinced that she was serious because she was thanking her while crying and admitted she didn't know how to educate children and kept saying she doesn't know what to do with her children (blah blah blah I don't believe any of it) Alisha said if she does not follow the terms, she would tell her husband to stop all business with her. I thought, "oh the irony here". I thanked Alisha and told her she was a saint. She said she wish she could take Jacques too but thats a lot to handle. I told her "well you CHOSE to have have 1 child. She selfishly and stupidly had 2 and adopted another. Seriously there are limits to what you can do." She asked me if I would continue to help Jacques. I told her that I would seriously need to think about it. This was the most ridiculous summer I've ever had. My view of Hairong has changed 180. I still feel sorry for her, but I don't respect her much. I don't usually waste my time with stupid people. Its a crazy habit I've developed. Alisha talks to Jacques to make sure he understands why she is taking Pierre and not him. She tells me that Hairong said she would pay for my hotel and train ticket back to Paris so everything should go somewhat smoothly now...
Hairong returns to the house at midnight and tells me that she will call Agnes to see if she will let me stay with her. In her words "you can't trust thqt viper, but we'll ask anyway". I thought to myself "I would rather be with the viper at this point than a crazy fire breathing dragon" I talked to Agnes with Hairong. Agnes told me on the phone "lets keep this comedy up, so she thinks this was her idea and she THINKS she is rescuing you by ALLOWING you to stay with me." I laugh to myself and just go along with it. I tell Hairong that the train ticket to Paris was 90Euro. She says "oh, thats cheaper than mine were today" and nothing else.
Side story: When I went to Marseille to take care of my visa (which Hairong and Alain swore they would help me with and didn't) I saw that train tickets to Paris were 40Euro. I told Alain that I would buy my ticket back to Paris now since its so cheap. He tells me "no, no Hairong has taken care of your train ticket. That was part of the agreement. So don't buy another." I asked a few more times "ARE YOU SURE"...I regret not going with my gut feeling. Whatever
She tells me that we will meet in Paris. (I'm thinking...why?)That she will take Agnes and I to dinner (we should be gracious for her kindness) before we all leave for Shanghai and she will take any excess baggage for me so that I'm not over weight (right after this she says "maybe you shouldn't do any shopping") I look at her and blankly and say ok and good night. This might be the first time in my life I did not thank someone for all the good THEY THINK they are doing. She suggested I take a taxi because my train was very early, without offering taxi money (about 30euro). I told her "I will be fine on the bus so goodnight"
I wake up at 5am the next morning and gather ALL of my heavy crap. Take the bus, then the train. I arrive in Paris and meet Agnes. She asked "did Hairong pay for the train?" I tell her no. She replies "she is such a bitch. its ok now you can rest"
I slept for 6 straight hours. I had not slept that well in months...Agnes makes me some coffee and says "you don't have to talk if you don't want, but know that I understand". I felt like a weight was lifted and I started telling her the most recent news.
She sat and listened to me this time.
Can we have a brief character description for al parties involved. I haven't been following for a while :P