Dear Marilla,
Its happened, Joe asked me to marry him. To be exact while watching a football game "would you like to spend the rest of your days with me as husband and wife" reply "what...".
He then ask again and says "we have a bumpy road ahead, but I'm willing to do it with you.
Me: Bumpy? Are you trying to talk me out of this before I can even answer or think about it?"
Joe: No, but I DO NOT see you living in Nigeria and you are not ready to go back to the States. By bumpy I mean we will have to figure this part out, because China doesn't want you here (him trying to be funny) and my plans are not living here forever. What do you think about Dubai or Canada?
Me: Dubai? What's in Dubai?
Joe: What was in China when you came...?
Me: Good point. Let me think about this.
Joe: So is that a yes.
Me: You realize I am a broke American with no job in China.
Joe: I like challenges. It makes it more interesting.
Me: Ok then, lets figure this out.
For some reason it seems right.*
*I've consulted our star signs (Aries woman and Sagittarius man)
they tell a funny story.
you need to consult the NEW ASTROLOGY (Suzanne White). Send me your EXACT BIRTHDAYS, and I will scan/email your profiles.
Down with Dubai
Up with Canada