My hesitation, as usual, to update was due to lack of anything to post and a weird need to be in China in order to truly justify blogging. (dumb, I know) I was looking at my web stats and laughing just thinking about those in Africa and Europe that are reading this thing. (Yes, I know who you are. I love and miss you all)
I've uploaded the first half of this blog to (hence the Volume 2 thing) that will ultimately get fed into the ebook abyss that is amazon, kindle, nook, ipad, etc, etc. It might be a little annoying to those that have read and followed me, but whatever. Just buy the damn thing and love it all over again...geesh
My other books will follow soon...must see how this one will do on the market (hahhaha I sound so professional, whatever)
I've submitted some works of fiction and randomness in various places (emagazines, contests, and writer calls) I'm just putting it out there, everywhere.
I've started
Yes, I sound crazy, but its a job. I'm not desperate (maybe a little). These past few months in the states have proven to be a test my faith in humanity and patience. I feel like leaving before was a test run or recon. Now to go and be smart about it.
Currently I'm planning with Joe how this can be done in less frustrating/reasonable manner...
I will keep you posted
Anne with an 'e'
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