"When you come to China you can write a trilogy. When you have been here for a month, you can write a book. When you have been here for 6 months, you can write an article. And when you have been here for over a year you are lucky if you can write a paragraph." ~Anonymous
September 1, 2012
The housing the school provided had rules* that were a little too strict plus I'm not 12 years old nor am I at camp. So I opt for the housing allowance and looking for a place myself.
*rules included a curfew, no guys, no alcohol, and a strange requirement to attend some social gatherings a few times a month...
After finding an apt, losing the apt (Joe put a deposit on a place and we later found out that the landlord gave the place to someone else that offered more money. Seriously...no honor among thieves) we looked at countless apt, 20 places to be exact. After finding a place that was perfect EXCEPT for the extremely large Maytag 1970s style refrigerator that was kept in the hallway. (I was not OK with having to squeeze pass this big ass obstruction on a daily bases. The landlord didn't want to remove it, and wanted to charge us more if we moved it AND/OR bought a small fridge for the rooms) We came to the conclusion that neither of us wants to keep looking. We decided to put the living together thing on hold. Especially considering the headaches we were facing.
Scenario – One landlord didn't want a couple in this place. So Joe and I would have to flip a coin for the apt.
Scenario – One landlord didn't want Blacks/migrant works/anyone that wasn't the right skin color. (no it doesn't bother me as much. I feel ignorance is a disease that I don't want to catch. So more power to the people that show how ignorant they are from jump street. for realz)
Scenario – One landlord just didn't want Joe...I thing it had more to do with the landlords wife FLIRTING WITH JOE, but whatever.
That was only a small bit of the headaches we went through. Meanwhile Joe has been in and out of Shanghai working MORE because of 1 jackass colleague of 6 years decided to up and back stab everyone at his company. Taking money and suppliers. People will do anything for ol' might RMB.
I found a place with roommate (that’s a story for another time) and will probably revisit the living with Joe in 6 months (said roommate might be kicked out the country for being absurd). I am busy with the school (actually chose to teach kids 20hrs a week and adults a few hours a week) and am liking it. Mainly because its legal and legit and not very stressful...FINALLY FOLKS.
September 15, 2012...
I went looking for the police station near my new home. I stopped 2 cops, a street cleaner, a few random pedestrians and no one knew. The cops pointed me in the direction of the exit/entry immigration office (basically telling me to go where all the other foreigners looked to be headed). I was in search of the special local district police station, that foreigners are SUPPOSE to register with. I do enjoy how its SO important to make sure the government knows your whereabouts upon immediate entry but fail to give its citizens, or anyone, a clue about where or how that should happen. No, this is not bitter talk. This is having to walk for 2 hours in 80 degrees with 90% humidity rantings. When I found the station (by an act of God) the computer system for housing registering was down and they told me to return in a few days and/or call some number to see if its working. I'm thinking “of course”... I returned 6 days later when it had finally been repaired and they asked me why I took so long to register....HAHAHHAHAHA.
I replied to them "ζδΈη₯ι (I don't know)"
Random thought:
I think being with Joe - absent the Nigerian part with all of the stereotypes and negative implications...I think we could pull off a nice sexy heist somewhere.
no worries more to come :)
Lots of love,
Anne with an 'e'
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