I can't articulate very well how I feel, but Ms. Aguilera sort of explains it here...
(imagine me punching the air or something)
...'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter...Not really sure whom I'm thanking, but the energy from this song seemed most appropriate for expressing how great I feel.
Its day 13!! I got up this morning, excuse me, popped out of bed w/o an alarm at 5am.
Did Jillian Micheals 30 day Shed DVD, ate some fruit, got ready for work.
Progress thus far with detox/diet...
I've lost 6lbs, found the so called "energy" on day 12, have gained a new respect for my friends and how/why they put up with me and my absurdness. (i.e. delicious special dinners being cooked for me in the name of my diet)
I've surprisingly not gotten sick of the food yet. Mainly because there are so many options and alternatives. People don't realize the combinations of things that really work well together. I'm down to drinking half a cup of coffee and lots of herbal teas. HUGE FEAT OF STRENGTH!
My challenge will be this weekend since I'm going out of town. I'd like to call it "DETOX: HITS THE ROAD". I must convince Eliz and Nat Cat that veggies are our friends...It won't be too hard. Eliz likes to brag about her hummus (which she should) and random healthy creative meals she puts together.
No drinking still...I can do this asa meshi mae (piece of cake)!
I can't thank the folks enough that are encouraging me on this hilarious, yet rewarding (I swear I'm not being sarcastic) venture I've decided to take on. I'm terribly spoiled by my friends and loved ones. I'm always being humored in some way or fashion.
So thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm not one to promote diets and crap, and I won't push this either.
Like they (who ever the hell they are) say "I can show you better, then I can tell ya"
Watch me!
*please enjoy the ridiculous pic