I'm not sure how I feel about the look of this blog, but its a work in progress.
It keeps me coming back to "fix it" and post, so I guess that's what I wanted.
My first day of the Engine2 "Diet" (I will call it a cleanse from this point on) seemed harmless. I find that when I have to write down what I eat, its easier not to eat hahahahaha. Completely absurd and totally misses the point of eating right, I know. I am sore from 90 min boot camp that I've found and insist on punishing myself with. The real pain comes tomorrow...Hot Yoga save me!
Ok thats all I got for now. I will work on being more insightful next post.
Please enjoy the random photo I don't recall taking NYE...
Talk to me more about this boot camp? How many times a week?