Dec 22, 2012

Killing is bad

I take my responsibility of other people's children very serious. I did not realized this until a spoiled 6 year old with an attitude and a temper tried to test me and apparently try to kick my ass. His name is Stone. Not sure who gave him that name, but its by far the most appropriately named kid I've ever met. He's very smart and thinks the world owes him...well...EVERYTHING. Not true, not in this lifetime. He throws small fits in class (apparently hits the Chinese teacher when she has class with him), I just throw him out. I thought perhaps him being a little spoiled prince, but I now realized its a behavioral/mental issue. He started throwing chairs and going ape shit over something small like not getting more points for a game or losing a turn, because I like to teach real life games (i.e. tic-tac-toe and ladders. You cannot win EVERYTIME in life no matter what the hell your parents say). At some point he almost decapitated 2 kids with these crazy yellow plastic chairs and was scaring the hell out of everyone. I grabbed Stone and dragged him out of class and told my TA, Chinese assistant, to translate VERBATIM what I'm saying (They tend to sugar coat translations as to not hurt the child's feelings. They think the foreigner don't realized it and smile, but today I needed this kid to understand I will not be putting up this is zoo like bullshit of his anymore). I said you will not act like this in MY CLASSROOM. I will not allow you to scare or endanger anyone in MY CLASSROOM. Your bad behavior and attitude will not be tolerated while I'm teaching. Do not come back to MY CLASSROOM until you understand. OK?!?!?!?My TA stared at me after translating like I had sacrificed a puppy. Because they have never seen me upset and she tells me that I think he understands cause he's crying and huffing and puffing. I told her that he cannot come in and that she cannot coddle him either. These kids need to know there are repercussions for their actions. Babying him is not going to make things easier for either of us. At this point some other classes have stopped to see what happened, cause no one has heard me and my murderous tone before. I calmly went back to the classroom and our class happily played spelling hopscotch without Stone.

Stone and his grandmother came to ask for my forgiveness and to beg me to allow him to return to class the following week. After he apologized to the class, I let him return. Stone has been the sweetest teddy bear since. Helping the other kids with their homework and playing well with the others. I've seen him huffing and puffing at his grandmother, but he knows I will strangle him if he brings that nonsense back into my class. Just saying.

~Regulator Anne out~

Dec 18, 2012

Just looking

While riding the train, I often take notice of the many disparities in class, in income, in social etiquette. It sometimes huge and dynamic. A poorly dresses migrant worker standing tall as if he were royalty. While next to him a very well dressed businessman yelling rudely on the phone, scratching his ass and picking his nose. I'm sure you can see this anywhere in the world but, its a special/strange oddity here.

Anne's food for thought ;)

Dec 14, 2012

Sharing means caring

I thought that one of my TA (teacher assistant)telling me "you looking sexy today", while I was in the middle of teaching a lesson, would be the OH OK I'VE HEARD/SEEN IT ALL moment, but no. My youngest student Jerry 2 1/2 years old (pictured)
He knows more than lets on and has insisted on becoming my lil laoshi (teacher) and class REGULATOR. Many of the students sometimes call me Black Cat (no idea why) or "da pigu" (big butt). I can only guess about the latter, but whatever. Jerry thinks its a good idea to stand next to me or my TA to help sing/teach/oversea the class
Today was special, for some reason I was showing the kids stand up, sit down, turn around. They all thought I looked funny, I guess, and started shouting da pigu (big butt) Jerry yells "SIT DOWN PLEASE" and proceed to attempt to bite my butt with the few teeth he has. I asked him what he was doing and he just laughed and started singing a song we learned a few weeks ago. I tell him "ni feng la hai zi" (you crazy child. He smiles and tells me to hurry and clap (in chinese).

Its clear to me that there is a 50 year old man in that 2 1/2 year old body...

Anne must watch out...for real.

Nov 25, 2012

This here is a graph

After expressing my frustrations with Joe in regards to the lack of time we have together recently, he drew me a graph to "explain the situation". Said graph to the left is a representation to show, in Joe's eyes, how my mood and time we've been together are related.

My interpretation to him: "Oh so the longer I'm with you, the worst my mood will become?!?!"

His interpretation: "No, no. The proof is right here (seriously pointing to his little graph) Its compulsory that you stay with me to increase your [good] mood. When I'm not around your mood is obviously down"

Who uses compulsory in normal conversations. Who draws a graph in the middle of a discussion. Apparently the guy keeping my mood up.
I don't think I lost this argument, but I will be returning to the discussion table with a graphing calculator and compass in hand very soon.

This is what he looked like after trying to sell this nonsense to me.

This is Joe singing to me after assuming he won the argument...Who is this guy, seriously. Crazy Joe.

Thats all Anne has for now.

Nov 24, 2012

I'm well aware that life is just one big social experiment after another. I think I just take note of it more often than most. Its been raining quite a lot these pass few days and I don't mind having to go to work on crappy days.
One of my favorite kids today told me “I’m not so good” at the beginning of class. I'm assuming because I pound the importance of greeting people and asking how are you and having a real reply. I ask him why and he didn't say anything. I told him “its ok, we'll have a good class”. By the end of the class he was smiling, not at his 100%, but seemingly a little better than before. He hugged me and said thank you at the end of class. I'm not sure if he realized what he said or what he was doing, but he made my chest hurt a little inside. I like the pure honesty of kids. We all have bad days and just telling someone sometimes helps a little, I think.

Happy Thanksgiving, apparently...

Oct 29, 2012

the rooommate

After looking at many places, I finally came across a French speaking girl from Madagascar named Shamira . She was looking for someone to replace her because she was sick and tired of China and her German bf she met in Shanghai said that he wants to marry her...but she would need to leave China. She said ok.

Shamira was a hilarious no bullshit young lady. I wish she stayed longer. Her last weeks here were really fun . Now I have another reason to go to Germany now :)
Before Shamira left she gave me the detailed low down on my now current roommate Anna (the girl has many alias' I just found out about this one). Shamira did not sugar coat ANYTHING. So I knew what I was getting into right away (she said she only thought it was fair that I knew that I would now have a grown ass child under my wings)
I sat back and watched and waited...

“Anna/Ivanna/Ivy/Ann/Becky” is from Jakarta. She's VERY much 21 years old. She “goes to school here in china” (meaning her mother pays and she goes to class from time to time when she is not drunk, passed out, or trying to hustle work from somewhere).

She's smart and means well, but just terribly immature. I tried to hangout with her initially while Shamira was still in Shanghai. Although I was tired and it wasn't easy with my schedule, I went out exactly 4 times before I called it quits. Anna likes to party...which is totally fine. She likes for others to pay for her and she loves online meet ups and meeting guys on a daily basis treat her. Its on an impressive level. She doesn't go home with any of them AND they pay for her taxis home. She's very naïve and only sees things and decides based on “will I have a good time or not”. Its a different approach to prioritizing your life, but whatever.

I stopped all social activity when I somehow ended up on a double date with her when she popped up (with her latest online guy and his friend) at bar where I was watching a soccer game. I did not invite her or tell her where I was. I think the bartender told her. The girl is strangely connected. She comes up to me and whispers that these guys will buy us dinner and drinks. I looked at her like she had 5 eyes and 4 breast. She then says “oh its fine, I won't tell Joe. He's too busy anyway”. I tell her that thats not the problem here. She laughs and says no worries. I continue watching the game. I leave them ALL there after I finished watching the game. She was disappointed and told me when she got home that they split the bill and made her pay for her own shit and that she will never call them again EVER. I shook my head and said that I will never go out with her EVER again. You are too ridiculous for even me.

Life mantra "no drama, no crazy"

withs lots of love from china,

Anne with an "e"

Oct 23, 2012

2 months in...I'm alive and ok!

"When you come to China you can write a trilogy. When you have been here for a month, you can write a book. When you have been here for 6 months, you can write an article. And when you have been here for over a year you are lucky if you can write a paragraph." ~Anonymous

September 1, 2012
The housing the school provided had rules* that were a little too strict plus I'm not 12 years old nor am I at camp. So I opt for the housing allowance and looking for a place myself.

*rules included a curfew, no guys, no alcohol, and a strange requirement to attend some social gatherings a few times a month...

After finding an apt, losing the apt (Joe put a deposit on a place and we later found out that the landlord gave the place to someone else that offered more money. honor among thieves) we looked at countless apt, 20 places to be exact. After finding a place that was perfect EXCEPT for the extremely large Maytag 1970s style refrigerator that was kept in the hallway. (I was not OK with having to squeeze pass this big ass obstruction on a daily bases. The landlord didn't want to remove it, and wanted to charge us more if we moved it AND/OR bought a small fridge for the rooms) We came to the conclusion that neither of us wants to keep looking. We decided to put the living together thing on hold. Especially considering the headaches we were facing.
Scenario – One landlord didn't want a couple in this place. So Joe and I would have to flip a coin for the apt.
Scenario – One landlord didn't want Blacks/migrant works/anyone that wasn't the right skin color. (no it doesn't bother me as much. I feel ignorance is a disease that I don't want to catch. So more power to the people that show how ignorant they are from jump street. for realz)
Scenario – One landlord just didn't want Joe...I thing it had more to do with the landlords wife FLIRTING WITH JOE, but whatever.
That was only a small bit of the headaches we went through. Meanwhile Joe has been in and out of Shanghai working MORE because of 1 jackass colleague of 6 years decided to up and back stab everyone at his company. Taking money and suppliers. People will do anything for ol' might RMB.

I found a place with roommate (that’s a story for another time) and will probably revisit the living with Joe in 6 months (said roommate might be kicked out the country for being absurd). I am busy with the school (actually chose to teach kids 20hrs a week and adults a few hours a week) and am liking it. Mainly because its legal and legit and not very stressful...FINALLY FOLKS.

September 15, 2012...
I went looking for the police station near my new home. I stopped 2 cops, a street cleaner, a few random pedestrians and no one knew. The cops pointed me in the direction of the exit/entry immigration office (basically telling me to go where all the other foreigners looked to be headed). I was in search of the special local district police station, that foreigners are SUPPOSE to register with. I do enjoy how its SO important to make sure the government knows your whereabouts upon immediate entry but fail to give its citizens, or anyone, a clue about where or how that should happen. No, this is not bitter talk. This is having to walk for 2 hours in 80 degrees with 90% humidity rantings. When I found the station (by an act of God) the computer system for housing registering was down and they told me to return in a few days and/or call some number to see if its working. I'm thinking “of course”... I returned 6 days later when it had finally been repaired and they asked me why I took so long to register....HAHAHHAHAHA.
I replied to them "我不知道 (I don't know)"

Random thought:
I think being with Joe - absent the Nigerian part with all of the stereotypes and negative implications...I think we could pull off a nice sexy heist somewhere.

no worries more to come :)

Lots of love,

Anne with an 'e'

Aug 20, 2012

Now lets try this again...

After saving some money working at the hilarious doctors association , finding a “job” (I use quotes because I will not take anything for granted EVER in China), getting a plane ticket, it was time to get back on the horse*.

*by horse folks, I mean back to the grind of being in China. NOTHING ELSE ROFL.

I had not updated here mainly because I was not in China and Anne was emotionally spent. In the past 6 and half months of being in the States, I realized that

A) Dallas MOST definitely is not home
B) Chicago is a safe haven for me from now until forever
C) Working 9 to 5 to punch a clock is something that I will fight like hell to stay far away from.
D) I seriously know some amazing people and am very fortunate to have them in my life.

After a rushed packing job, (thank you Kim for the duffel coupon and Beth for monopolizing SO MUCH of your place) I was on my way.

I take a flight to Seattle, have a picnic with Darcy (layover style). Board my Seattle to Beijing flight. While on this flight I make friends with my row mates. By the end of the 12 hours we were besties playing tournament style Bejeweled games on the consoles. I met a guy that was flying to south china to do some "business" there. Something to do with buying goods back and forth to Miami and Jamacia. I talk about how Joes moves products around China and he's kind of smart and blah, blah, blah.
The guys seemed interested in getting Joe as a contact, so he gave me his information.

*sidenote: Passed his information to Joe. Joe said the guy was flirting with me and was schemeing since the guy could not provide any real information to me as to why he was coming to China (i.e. exactly what 'product is he moving', why is he coming without a translator, how is he coming here and not knowing anyone?!??!?!) . "You have to know that he was trying to sound important and you weren't paying attention" Oh well I said. I was trying to be helpful.

Flight from Beijing to Shanghai delayed. (I called Joe and told him to stay home and wait to hear from me) After waiting 2 hours to board the plane, we sit on the tarmac for 2 more hours. I was told that this is normal with these domestic flights. I just wanted to sleep and couldn't. We land and I breeze through customs and immigration. I walk out to a sign with my name on it "Danielle Foster". The center that I will be working with has come through with the driver (Yes I had doubts). The driver had waited 3 hours for me and had the biggest smile on his face. I was so exhausted it seemed surreal. The driver takes me to the dormitory where I will be living and/or transisiting from. He is so helpful and patient. I get to my room and put my head on the pillow to finally sleep and realize "oh shit Joe". I have to use a pay phone outside to call Joe because my China phone apparently expired to mine and Joe's surprise. He said he was very worried cause he didn't hear from me and had to idea where to start looking for me. He met me at the dorm 10 minutes later with big grin and hug. Oh how I wish I wasn't so tired. He said that he just wanted to see my face for at least a minute and then I could go to sleep.

That was day 1...

Welcome back to China

lots of love,

Anne with an 'e'

Jun 2, 2012

The trick to breakdowns are...

you have to just let it happen.

recap of the last few months for me (this is in the vain of Revenge: The Beginnings episode, which thanks to my housemates, is on a list of television shows that I'm now watching)...

Came to Chicago, reluctantly looked for work...painstakingly found a few conferences to work at through some agencies. Finally found a "temp to perm" position with a doctor association. Realized I wanted to kill myself everyday getting paid minumum wage and being yelled at and treated like a mildly retarded child by a woman that was as old as Jesus. I saved and continued applying for work. Slowing being depressed with my circumstances, but extremely fortunate to have people that care enough about me to put up with me and all my bullshit. I got a job offer in Shanghai from a legit school. As legit as I can believe at this point...cause its China.

Now the waiting game of what moves to make now.

May 31, 2012

Blessed with hindsight....some are not

So its been awhile, my apologies. I was in dire need of "getting my shit together". Needless to say that I'm still getting it together but with a clearer more realistic perspective. This will be the beginning of Volume 2 of "What Would Anne of Green Gables Do In China" (Sean Carter had a volume 2 so I deem worthy of such things as well).

My hesitation, as usual, to update was due to lack of anything to post and a weird need to be in China in order to truly justify blogging. (dumb, I know) I was looking at my web stats and laughing just thinking about those in Africa and Europe that are reading this thing. (Yes, I know who you are. I love and miss you all)


I've uploaded the first half of this blog to (hence the Volume 2 thing) that will ultimately get fed into the ebook abyss that is amazon, kindle, nook, ipad, etc, etc. It might be a little annoying to those that have read and followed me, but whatever. Just buy the damn thing and love it all over again...geesh

My other books will follow soon...must see how this one will do on the market (hahhaha I sound so professional, whatever)
I've submitted some works of fiction and randomness in various places (emagazines, contests, and writer calls) I'm just putting it out there, everywhere.

I've started working temping at the AOA (American Osteopathic Association) in the Education Dept as an admin. The pay is the worst, but the people are the best. They're all telling me how they all started as temps. How "it could be 3 months or 3 years before they hire you, but its worth the wait". Now I've been down this road and honestly don't want to do that again. So of course I'm looking for other things, while planning a return to China. I've signed 2 contracts with schools in Shanghai. I'm in constant contact, via skype and email, with one of them. He seems very insistent on trying to prove the legitimacy of his school to me. I've told him of my interesting aka hellish Chinese school/training center encounters and he wants me to give them a chance. We shall see. They seem legit, but we know how this story goes. The contract starts Aug 25th. I am hoping to save enough money from this AOA gig (prob not) get my visa, get my flight and be back in the land of...squatting toilets.

Yes, I sound crazy, but its a job. I'm not desperate (maybe a little). These past few months in the states have proven to be a test my faith in humanity and patience. I feel like leaving before was a test run or recon. Now to go and be smart about it.

Currently I'm planning with Joe how this can be done in less frustrating/reasonable manner...

I will keep you posted


Anne with an 'e'

Feb 5, 2012

I really don't plan this stuff...

So my friend Lando's visit proved fruitful and ridiculous...per usual. We go to dinner and talk and catch up (He's married with a good wife and beautiful daughter now. No one deserve happiness more than this guy). He's in Dallas filming the Kardashians (I will refer to them as the Kards from this point on) He asked me what I was doing in Dallas and asking me what my next move was. Also asking if I was needing a break or a kick in the ass right now(which he's happily supoprted and quickly been delivering for over 10 years now)
He wants all the details of me and Joe. I tell him Joe is a Nigerian and Lando immediately tells me "ummm seriously, what, no...ok, I need to meet him. We'll see about this Mr. Joe"...Which seems to be the ongoing reaction when I talk about Joe. I happily tell him that Joe wants to meet him as well because Lando is one of my lithmus test and standards for guys and how they MUST be.

Anyway Lando asked if I wanted to assist on the Kard show in Dallas. I tell him sure, why not I'm not doing ANYTHING else right now. He also says it pays so that should be good for me too. So I became PA (Production Assistant "P.A." is a glorified schlepper) for the Kard show. I initially helped on the crew with setting up and driving around Dallas. Television is very interesting, especially since I don't watch it. I then graduated (or was demoted, depends on how you look at it) to one of the many assistants "Khlo" has. So I begain driving ALL over DALLAS being an assistant's assistant 9 to 12 hour days shopping and shopping and shopping and shopping. I have no idea why or how these people are famous or how/why they receive free stuff.

The check's in the mail. Income is nice.


Anne in Dallas

Jan 28, 2012

I did some writing today...

Its been a week since Anne has returned and it doesn't seem real. Joe calls/skypes/txt msgs me to stay positive and tells me to take my time figuring out my next step. Thats nice and all but...

Before I left Shanghai I got my yearly day planner, organized what I would do when I touched down in the States, and made all these wonderful plans to conquer the world and be awesome and great and blah, blah, blah.

Its come to my attention, in the last few days, that there were factors I did not calculate in my "coming home to regroup" plan.

1. I've not lived in Dallas in over 11 years.
2. Chicago feels more home to me than Texas.
3. I hate being in a city where you HAVE to drive and rely 85% on your car and be in traffic
4. I left Dallas for reason, I must have forgotten
5. Losing motivation and wanting to hide in the house (no car, no money, no job) is all I feel like doing.
6. I cannot fast forward to the part where I've figured everything out.

I've slowly started feeling more comfortable about being social and attempting to see people. I saw some of my favorite cousins that I've not seen in awhile and that made me very happy. I've gone to the movies with my sister ran errands with my dad.
I believe this adjusting thing is taking longer than I expected.

My favorite reaction from the few people I've met up with is "What are you doing back here?". I laughed it off the first few times. But after Vanessa asked me the same question, I started thinking "what AM I DOING BACK HERE?" Then a rush of my past year and half come rolling back and I am quickly reminded that "oh, I needed a damn break from China"...

So I'm just taking it slowly now. Slow motion is better than no motion, but I won't confuse my direction with my pace. I am going forward.

Jan 17, 2012

Change of Pace and Bidet heaven

Headed to Tokyo for a very small blitz. It was full of extremely helpful and kind organized people. I stayed at a manga internet cafe for manga reading, free beverage drinking, shower and a little sleep. I kept getting lost on the subway and random people pointed me in the right direction countless times. 3 temples,
Shinjuku (Champs-Elysees meets SOHO), Akihabaraa (Times Square NY on crack), Harujuku (speakless), Kabukicho (most interesting redlight district...EVER) real ramen (OMG), sushi.

I sadly didn't get to meet up with anyone I wanted to, due to my lack of a telephone and my lack of having a sense of direction...ugh

Basically a big sampler...I definitely will come back with a bigger budget and more time

Just as everyone suspected I LOVE TOKYO (what little I saw) I love how clean and organized and pleasant it was.

Now to San Fran.

Jan 15, 2012

Bye bye

After 16 days of reading in my room, meeting unusual/special/interesting people in the hostel, Joe came and picked me up. He said “I got an apt in Shanghai (he'd moved to a “suburb” of Shanghai because of work) and "we can spend your last week together". I was just fine with this because I have seriously checked out of China and just want some relief or a break from it. Anne is tired.

He cooked, I zoned out and happily accepted the princess treatment and sadly counted the days til I leave this guy and China. All of a sudden it was time to leave. At the airport Joe told me he missed me already, that this isn't good-bye because he's just sending me ahead. He was proud of me for not crying. (apparently he was ready with tissues for me to make a scene...does he even now me. good grief)

Anne's heading home

Jan 7, 2012

“I like you perm”

An ayi on the street told me this when I was having a big curly hair day. China weather is not ideal for my hair most of the time and I couldn't begin to explain to this woman that this was in no way, shape or form a perm on my head...good grief.

Day 10 in hilarious hostel...
The front desk people now bring me sugar for my coffee without me asking, know my first name, and ask when my boyfriend will visit again because they like that he can speak Chinese and they think he's handsome (seriously grown Chinese men blush when they see Joe. I don't understand it. I tell him not to get use to that...). Joe pops into town from work every few days or so to make sure I am fed and packing and have not killed anyone.
This is my life.
I've watched many people come into the hostel bright-eyed and naive about moving to China and wanting to live here and excited and completely unaware of how things work here. I wondered if I looked like this to anyone when I arrived...probably. People ask me what I'm doing here and I just say, “stuff and things”. I don't want to start telling my “ridiculous china story”. I'll just recommend they buy the book and do just the opposite of what I did.
One of the many roommates that have passed through the hostel asked me how old I was. I told her I was 33. I later stopped and did the math and realized that I'm 32. There is no reason for me to push things along and when did I become so bad at math. I don't even have hangups with my age. It seems the older I get the less interested I am about my age. Its very strange to think that “I'm in my 30s”.

So at the lovely age of 32, I will finally see Japan (albeit a very little of it with a 24hr layover). I will be blitzing through Tokyo on a budget of $0. Much like my China move, I will play it by ear. After that, its off to Dallas. Only place, for now, that I can actually go decompress, work on books AND be poor AND be unemployed for a minute.

Since I've mentally checked out of China, I go to the local cafes and look for jobs online and think of ways to do business. I'm not even trying to upload or work on my book here anymore. I go to upload somewhere or download some software for editing...Boom, crash. Something goes wrong. Its not in the stars for me to finish it up here. I will probably have better luck on the plane back to the States or something. I will not stress about it.

Currently I have 4 students that are pretty consistent about canceling, rescheduling, or no showing for classes. Whatever. I still enjoy my Balluff VP business English student. In our last class we discussed how he read research about how all humans originated from Africa by a Japanese scientist. (the fact the he is reading and really respects a Japanese scientist speaks volumes about him, because so many Chinese HATE Japanese people)
It was a very interesting conversation. Our many conversations have opened my eyes to the a more promising positive China that 'could be'. I asked him if he's very popular with his friends and he replies “no, not when I speak of these subjects and how “民主“ min zhu (democracy) will be the only way China can be prosperous”. I grin at him uncomfortably thinking, “easy tiger, lets wait til I leave before you start an uprising. Am not trying to step on government toes”
Even if this is one mans opinion, I think its representative of many here. This is a super capitalist country that is exploding with growth due to the fact that they are running before they can walk as far as development goes. In my honest opinion.

Current goals are packing and leaving. (packing seems to be the hardest thing EVER)

Motto this year “Realistic goal setting and step taking”

Jan 1, 2012

Last post of the 2011

Although I had planned to be very diligent about posting and updating, there just wasn't much to say. I've moved into a hostel in Shanghai. I don't want to stay in a slumlord type place where I can't really use the restroom or feel like I'm in a closet (plus the sublet was up and finding short term seemed impossible) I like the hostel and its hot rooms and nice and clean duvets, it makes me feel like I'm on holiday. The characters are special and unique per usual in the ladies dorm. Many chinese come to hostels from other cities to stay during the week and go home on the weekends. Very interesting dynamic.
There is an older lady (52 but looks 30 of course) that has "family problems" and is staying in the hostel for a month. Everyone wants to know her story, but none of use can get any info from her. There was a German girl thats here just to get away from everything in Germany, some girls that are illegally teaching in Beijing and looking to come to Shanghai to work. They are blonde hair and blue eyed and love kids. I told them that they would not have any trouble for sure. We've gone to breakfast and hungout a little. I realize how old I am when I hang around 20 somethings...MY GOD. I feel ancient around these creatures.

They wanted me to go out with them for NYE and I had to decline. They took 4 hours to decide what to wear, 2 hours to get ready. They looked great and I somehow ended up helping them get ready (hair pinning, blush applying, accessory and accent decision making (i.e. "is the tiara too much?", "yes, honey") I think this is what its like to send your kids to prom or something. I took their pictures and sent them off. I made some tea and pulled out my laptop. This is better than loud bar, crowed place, spending money I don't have.

Joe is in West China for a hoo so few students to teach (now the girl that let me use her room has returned) I will miss Benz and a few others. So all my work in Dec will probably all go to a flight home...
We shall see.

I'm attempting to work with a German couple that makes and sells fitness apparel and want to do business in China. I'm not telling them I'm leaving Shanghai and will try to use contacts here (Joe) to help make some money. We'll see. So much money can be made here it just take A LOT of patience. I'm accepting the fact that I'm starting from scratch when I return to Dallas, but I've got many ideas of things I want to do.

So long dangerous ill-mannered pushing crowds, so long strange life prioritizing people, so long inefficient way of doing EVERYTHING, good bye to the yelling, good bye to squatting toliets (I still have not mastered how to use them while wearing pants)...the list goes on

Lets see what next in 2012