Jan 28, 2011

Please make that communist check out to "wo de" (me)

The motorcycle riding interview proved lucrative. I signed the contract today. Go figure. They want me to be apart of their absurdly large, extremely communist private school (this is the school, google translate and enjoy some good old fashion communist reading ;) Its part time so I can keep most of the private students I have and continue my "stealing clients" misison (mwahhahahaha) I work 30 hours a week, they will pay for Chinese lessons (woot woot) they help get the work visa, and contract is til Feb 2012. Looks like I'm going to hang around for a bit here. I'm looking into FREE non degree language programs that Papa Obama says he will give to Americans wanting to learn Chinese abroad. If you're not into politics you should be at least reading how China is growing and progressing at a phenomenal rate. I know I keep saying this, but watching a country progress at this speed is really astonishing. I am so desperate to learn Chinese just so that I can be better prepared for whatever the hell is coming next.
just saying.

Anyway, today I also picked up my 6 outfits from the fabric market that I had made last week for about 500RMB ($75USD)-found a magazine and pulled out pictures, picked out some fabric and showed the lady, she measured me and then made them - Have I not said my life is pretty ridiculous already. I will post pics somewhere when I wear the clothes.

The injured German fellow (his name is Erik)is doing a little better and might not need surgery. I'm going over for some bath tub soaking and brownie baking this weekend. I will be checking up on him as well. Gil would not be happy if I were not kind to strangers ;)

I finished my taxes after almost having a nervous breakdown and going postal. I've gained 5 kilos and I'm avoiding meat like the plague. Fun times as usual in Shanghai.

More to follow...soon. CNY is on the horizon (Chinese new year)

Jan 20, 2011

100+ days in but whose counting

I've been trying to update this damn thing for the past week. China firewall and Vista hate me. So out of boredom I pulled the wigs out (Jake, Kozen (Jake's bf) and myself)...so for your enjoyment: Pic of me in wig revisited... you're welcome hahahahha

I made it safely back from Hong Kong and felt motivated to start another mission. As I complained to Jake about my teaching gig (the whoring job), it came to me that I could just start taking the students from this ridiculous "school" and being a private tutor for them on my own terms. The students pay WAY too much and I don't get paid enough (btw they paid me!!! hallelujah!!! they also took a pimping fee. bastards) I've happily taken 3 students from them. One of which is teaching me Chinese in a very strict fashion (powerpoint, dry erase board, worksheets)her name is Angela and she's awesome. Another is Watson, some real estate big deal fella (meaning he's absurdly rich) that wants to get better with his english so that he can go to yoga class and improve his listening. I go to his office and home and we basically do yoga. I think he will be my connection to teaching fitness in China. Lots of "guanxi" from that man. The 3rd is a college girl name Marieanne thats studying for her GRE and dislikes the language "school" as well. I sense a mutiny in order and I'm ok with leading the angry mob...

On a more positive note. One of the guys that asked me out during one of the million interviews I went on, gave me a call about a private school needing a full time and/or part time teacher. Pay was from 6,000 to 14,000RMB per month. Since my indifference toward job interviews is at an all time high, I accepted. I was running late for the interview because stupid language "school" got some classes mixed up (per usual)and messed up my schedule. I couldn't find a taxi so I had to hop on a motorcycle taxi (big group of guys that hangout by some subway exits with their motorbikes trying to make an extra buck). I hailed one of the biker guys, I somehow saddled the bike in my interview dress and show him the address in Chinese from my phone and said "Zhèlǐ qǐng" (here please) I was happy to have the moral support of the pack of other bikers that cheered me on as I, without realizing, flashed them while we drove off. whatever. My life is so stupid. I get to the school, interview goes well and they offer me the position for teaching their primary school. They're not sure about whether they want me full time or part time (story of my life). I have to wait til after chinese new year to figure out the contract in order to sign and get details. I'm not holding my breath but it would be nice to make 14,000RMB...for realz.

As far as the guys go, not a lot in rotation. I'm down to a solid 5. My French Chinese guy likes to buy me coffee and work on his English. You know how I am about free, so this is fine. One of the German fellows that I met when I first got here, has been in and out Shanghai for work. He's recently hurt his back (herniated disk)and lives close by, so I've been helping him by taking him fruit and milk and whatever little things he needs. In return I use his BIG ASS KITCHEN AND BATH!!!! Yes folks, I found someone that will let me use them for their amenities. He complains to me about his chinese girlfriends how that only like him for his money and I happily listen and watch his big ass tv and bake and hangout in his mansion...I've already said my life is stupid. I've started checking in on him a few times a week between gym and tutoring. I'm doing my part for mankind. DO NOT WORRY people. The extremely smart Australian fellow is out of town for work, the other 2 are in Beijing so they don't really count. The Croat will be here on the 25th. I am honestly nervous, but whatever. I think that just about sums it up.

So much money can and is being made here. Everyone in China seems to be trying to get a piece of the money pie. I think I will start looking into getting my bite too.
Why not? Hell I'm here.

Sorry this was so damn long...


Anne with an 'e'

Jan 18, 2011

pics from hong kong and shenzhen

I borrowed Toni's camera for a few pictures...so the fancy pics are from her camera and the boring plain ones are from my cellphone camera...blah. Her camera was too fancy anyway!!!! The construction is amazing and everywhere. They are so serious about advancing, that they might be missing some important factors, like the people and who can actually afford to live in these expensive places...The random botanical gardens through Shenhen was nice, but the weather was sooo glib.
Anyway sorry for the lack of good pics. You've seen one city, you've seen them all. No I'm not jaded, I just don't think its really important to take pictures of a bunch of buildings plus it I was on a mission.

Jan 7, 2011

Anne with an E meets "Toni with an I"

How can I summarize 5 days of absurd people, places, and things? I will just talk about the ones that stood out. Little did I know I only touched the tip of the iceburg with the people I met at the hostel. A Chinese American New Yorker that thought everyone was jealous of her (she spoke Chinese and was young and naive). A young Chinaman from Hubei looking for an accounting job in Shenzhen. A few other oddballs as well. The one that stood out the most and insisted I go with her on most of her outings was Toni. The picture is "Toni with an i" and Yaoyao. Toni with an i (I will keep referring to her as this because EVERYONE we met, she introduced herself as such and also informed people that they needed to write it down and remember it) If you've ever seen Kat and Kim (Aussie version, not the lame ass US version) mixed with AbFab...then you'll understand this woman. Her story: She's 48, owned and ran a gallery in Wales, had a daughter (that she can't stand), had a nervous breakdown (might have been institutionalize at some point. I didn't want to push the subject), sold all her stuff and started traveling 3 years ago. Lived in India the past year, thought she should write a travel book about art and artist in the East starting with China. Sounds pretty simple right...no. She also has an alterior motive. Change the minds of as many Chinese people she can. Every night we had a different Chinese girl in our room. Same conversation happened every night. Toni with an i asking: "are you happy here in China? what the hell is your government doing? where the bloody hell is the art and personality in this country? how many bloody fucking trees are they going to chop down before they make every city concrete?"
After night 2 I started chiming in, because I'm A. stupid and B. I found this interesting. I tried to explain to Toni with an i that you can't miss what you've never had...for example having to form your own opinion about the environment and how rapid your city is growing commercially. Toni, addressing the poor confused Chinese girl, "there are a billion of you people, you could over throw the government. What the bloody hell". Sadly Toni with an i never got what she wanted out of the Chinese girls until the last two young students roomed with us. I told her that of course they understand what she's saying because they're a new generation of Chinese thats more aware. Yaoyao, 21 year old student studying painting, said she wants to go to Germany - for the beer festival and Holland - because lesbians can get married. (Toni and I both later laughed at this and agreed that someone was a closet lesbo and it was really cool) Yaoyao was our tour guide for a few days. Local museums, gardens in Shenzhen, and really interesting spots. AJ was the last girl we had as a roommate. She was so inspired and fired up by Toni with an I, that she was talking of quitting school to start a movement with fellow classmates. I know times have changed a bit and I would never joke about this, but did we forget about a certain "Tiananmen Square" incident...I'm just saying

I believe Toni with an i understood more when we crossed the border to Hong Kong and how our lovely Chinese guides couldn't join us when we crossed back and forth. I felt like a ass for all the times I've taken my freedom for granted. China mainland people can't cross with such ease. Eye opening experience for sure. It took 10 to 15 mins to get my stamp and get through customs...insanely fast. Immigration freaks me out ALL the time. I always feel like I look guilty. Anyway Hong Kong was nice. EXPENSIVE AS HELL!!! Toni with an i and myself visited 4 museums, met with her friend Patty from London (she called her "short ass") popped across the border to Shenzhen for a cheap lunch and popped back to Hong Kong to do more free sightseeing.
FYI it was gloomy, rainy, crappy weather the entire time I was there. So the pictures suck. I will find some decent ones to post. I felt I was dragged around the city, willingly, looking for the "under belly" as Toni with an i says. She likes finding where the prostitutes, brothels, and gambling is happening around China. I found this hilarious, so why not, right? We found them and no comment.

We returned to the hostel in Shenzhen and the owner of the hostel told me that the police informed them that my 90 days expired. I slightly panicked and said "POLICE"!!! I forgot to show them my stamped passport after the 1st time I went to Hong Kong and the police check the hotels and hostel every few days to make sure everyone is registered...ugh. So all is good.

I left Toni with an i and AJ at the hostel and told them to keep me posted on the travel book about art and the student Movement. It was fun. I will keep in contact with them for sure.

I was very happy to get back to Shanghai. Something about being around "familiar" settings. Just knowing where shit is...is so nice.

Thats about it.

Pics to follow soon.

Jan 3, 2011

In Shenzhen

Let's see where to start...
I took a taxi to the bus, which took me to the airport in Shanghai. From the airport in Shenzhen, I took local bus to the subway. From the subway, I rode 2 stops and thought "if I'm lucky, there will be a mule or horse waiting for me". Alas, I only had to walk a few blocks and there was my lovely hostel. Because I am poor I got the pleasure of sharing a room with 2 other ladies. One big slumber party...WEEEEE
A 20 something year old Chinese business girl and a 40 something year old British lady finding herself. So it was necessary I was roomed with these 2, I was the missing piece for sure.

My first day here was not exciting. I slept ALL day. I was still recovering from New Years Eve and no real sleep. Its fine. I've met a handful of people in the hostel. I've gotten roped into doing some local activities (free because they're all hippies and poor). Visiting places off the beaten path, museums, and local parks. The 1st order of business was to buy some food (oatmeal,eggs, bread) and eating utensils at the market across the street ~NO EATING OUT~ (please see above picture, 50 cent was spent on a cup and kiddie bowl and monkey spoon...yes I SCORED)

Today I explored Shenzhen a little via dietie (subway). I found all the malls. *rolls eyes*
I'm ok with easing into the China lifestyle (meaning not going to the really dirty China just yet), but seriously. These cities are crazy. Big building and malls everywhere. I step off the plane in Shenzhen and thought this is freakin' Miami. Why are there palm trees in China? Bright Yellow and Pink are not colors for buildings...EVER!!! There is no need.

I'm going to head across the border tomorrow (the HK) and will try to remember to take pictures. I keep forgetting, but this doesn't seem like a vacation nor do I feel moved to take pictures. So we'll see.

Hope everyone had a happy new year!!!