I've been trying to update this damn thing for the past week. China firewall and Vista hate me. So out of boredom I pulled the wigs out (Jake, Kozen (Jake's bf) and myself)...so for your enjoyment: Pic of me in wig revisited... you're welcome hahahahha
I made it safely back from Hong Kong and felt motivated to start another mission. As I complained to Jake about my teaching gig (the whoring job), it came to me that I could just start taking the students from this ridiculous "school" and being a private tutor for them on my own terms. The students pay WAY too much and I don't get paid enough (btw they paid me!!! hallelujah!!! they also took a pimping fee. bastards) I've happily taken 3 students from them. One of which is teaching me Chinese in a very strict fashion (powerpoint, dry erase board, worksheets)her name is Angela and she's awesome. Another is Watson, some real estate big deal fella (meaning he's absurdly rich) that wants to get better with his english so that he can go to yoga class and improve his listening. I go to his office and home and we basically do yoga. I think he will be my connection to teaching fitness in China. Lots of "guanxi" from that man. The 3rd is a college girl name Marieanne thats studying for her GRE and dislikes the language "school" as well. I sense a mutiny in order and I'm ok with leading the angry mob...
On a more positive note. One of the guys that asked me out during one of the million interviews I went on, gave me a call about a private school needing a full time and/or part time teacher. Pay was from 6,000 to 14,000RMB per month. Since my indifference toward job interviews is at an all time high, I accepted. I was running late for the interview because stupid language "school" got some classes mixed up (per usual)and messed up my schedule. I couldn't find a taxi so I had to hop on a motorcycle taxi (big group of guys that hangout by some subway exits with their motorbikes trying to make an extra buck). I hailed one of the biker guys, I somehow saddled the bike in my interview dress and show him the address in Chinese from my phone and said "Zhèlǐ qǐng" (here please) I was happy to have the moral support of the pack of other bikers that cheered me on as I, without realizing, flashed them while we drove off. whatever. My life is so stupid. I get to the school, interview goes well and they offer me the position for teaching their primary school. They're not sure about whether they want me full time or part time (story of my life). I have to wait til after chinese new year to figure out the contract in order to sign and get details. I'm not holding my breath but it would be nice to make 14,000RMB...for realz.
As far as the guys go, not a lot in rotation. I'm down to a solid 5. My French Chinese guy likes to buy me coffee and work on his English. You know how I am about free, so this is fine. One of the German fellows that I met when I first got here, has been in and out Shanghai for work. He's recently hurt his back (herniated disk)and lives close by, so I've been helping him by taking him fruit and milk and whatever little things he needs. In return I use his BIG ASS KITCHEN AND BATH!!!! Yes folks, I found someone that will let me use them for their amenities. He complains to me about his chinese girlfriends how that only like him for his money and I happily listen and watch his big ass tv and bake and hangout in his mansion...I've already said my life is stupid. I've started checking in on him a few times a week between gym and tutoring. I'm doing my part for mankind. DO NOT WORRY people. The extremely smart Australian fellow is out of town for work, the other 2 are in Beijing so they don't really count. The Croat will be here on the 25th. I am honestly nervous, but whatever. I think that just about sums it up.
So much money can and is being made here. Everyone in China seems to be trying to get a piece of the money pie. I think I will start looking into getting my bite too.
Why not? Hell I'm here.
Sorry this was so damn long...
Anne with an 'e'
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