The motorcycle riding interview proved lucrative. I signed the contract today. Go figure. They want me to be apart of their absurdly large, extremely communist private school (this is the school, google translate and enjoy some good old fashion communist reading ;) Its part time so I can keep most of the private students I have and continue my "stealing clients" misison (mwahhahahaha) I work 30 hours a week, they will pay for Chinese lessons (woot woot) they help get the work visa, and contract is til Feb 2012. Looks like I'm going to hang around for a bit here. I'm looking into FREE non degree language programs that Papa Obama says he will give to Americans wanting to learn Chinese abroad. If you're not into politics you should be at least reading how China is growing and progressing at a phenomenal rate. I know I keep saying this, but watching a country progress at this speed is really astonishing. I am so desperate to learn Chinese just so that I can be better prepared for whatever the hell is coming next.
just saying.
Anyway, today I also picked up my 6 outfits from the fabric market that I had made last week for about 500RMB ($75USD)-found a magazine and pulled out pictures, picked out some fabric and showed the lady, she measured me and then made them - Have I not said my life is pretty ridiculous already. I will post pics somewhere when I wear the clothes.
The injured German fellow (his name is Erik)is doing a little better and might not need surgery. I'm going over for some bath tub soaking and brownie baking this weekend. I will be checking up on him as well. Gil would not be happy if I were not kind to strangers ;)
I finished my taxes after almost having a nervous breakdown and going postal. I've gained 5 kilos and I'm avoiding meat like the plague. Fun times as usual in Shanghai.
More to follow...soon. CNY is on the horizon (Chinese new year)
congrats on the jorb, deefsies. also - late january is TOTALLY the time for winter eating blehs. meiyo rou, ne? suerte w/ that!