Let's see where to start...
I took a taxi to the bus, which took me to the airport in Shanghai. From the airport in Shenzhen, I took local bus to the subway. From the subway, I rode 2 stops and thought "if I'm lucky, there will be a mule or horse waiting for me". Alas, I only had to walk a few blocks and there was my lovely hostel. Because I am poor I got the pleasure of sharing a room with 2 other ladies. One big slumber party...WEEEEE
A 20 something year old Chinese business girl and a 40 something year old British lady finding herself. So it was necessary I was roomed with these 2, I was the missing piece for sure.
My first day here was not exciting. I slept ALL day. I was still recovering from New Years Eve and no real sleep. Its fine. I've met a handful of people in the hostel. I've gotten roped into doing some local activities (free because they're all hippies and poor). Visiting places off the beaten path, museums, and local parks. The 1st order of business was to buy some food (oatmeal,eggs, bread) and eating utensils at the market across the street ~NO EATING OUT~ (please see above picture, 50 cent was spent on a cup and kiddie bowl and monkey spoon...yes I SCORED)
Today I explored Shenzhen a little via dietie (subway). I found all the malls. *rolls eyes*
I'm ok with easing into the China lifestyle (meaning not going to the really dirty China just yet), but seriously. These cities are crazy. Big building and malls everywhere. I step off the plane in Shenzhen and thought this is freakin' Miami. Why are there palm trees in China? Bright Yellow and Pink are not colors for buildings...EVER!!! There is no need.
I'm going to head across the border tomorrow (the HK) and will try to remember to take pictures. I keep forgetting, but this doesn't seem like a vacation nor do I feel moved to take pictures. So we'll see.
Hope everyone had a happy new year!!!
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