Jun 25, 2013


At the airport (in China)...
I’m pretty sure this is kidnapping, albeit, legal but definitely some form of  holding people hostage without any hope of release. I complain about this countless times, but the power to control going apeshit in an airport hits unmeasurable levels. Especially when they do not give you any details of when the flight is coming in or IF the plane is even coming...EVER.

Made it to Bangkok...somehow

I’ve hit up museums and local tourist traps. I went to a movie where you have to stand for the kings song (yup that is fo real). I’m enjoying th fact that I am not in china right now. People are so pleasant here. Even one of the taxis driver that tried to swindle me became a friend by the end of my ride. We laughed at how silly he was,(probably and mainly due to the fact I understood 10% of what he was saying.)

Can you believe how hard it is to fine pad thai?!?!?!?
Seriously... its not on every menu, its not that popular. I compare it to the popularity of kung pao and sweet and sour chicken in China. Although they have it its not on most menus. Its a little disappointing and sad when you find out the food you “thought” was all ethnic or traditional just isn’t.  Thank goodness Josh knew what was up and took me to where I could pig out on some good pad thai!

 I found the Bangkok Cultural Center which was so great. So many great Thai artist and local works of art. So much and all so free.

Had dinner with Josh and Patcha. I learned how to eat an entire fish with lots of greens, sticky rice, spices, and apple/kiwi vodka. It was a real treat. I cannot thank Josh enough for being so helppful and awesome.

Jun 7, 2013

I want to come home for a little while...

I'm due for a visit home. I mean its been almost a year, right.  As I walk out the police station for the 3rd time this year, I look at my useless umbrella failing at keeping me dry (apparently there are "rain" umbrellas and "sun" umbrellas) because I didn't listen to the hustling umbrella salesman in the subway.