Nov 25, 2012

This here is a graph

After expressing my frustrations with Joe in regards to the lack of time we have together recently, he drew me a graph to "explain the situation". Said graph to the left is a representation to show, in Joe's eyes, how my mood and time we've been together are related.

My interpretation to him: "Oh so the longer I'm with you, the worst my mood will become?!?!"

His interpretation: "No, no. The proof is right here (seriously pointing to his little graph) Its compulsory that you stay with me to increase your [good] mood. When I'm not around your mood is obviously down"

Who uses compulsory in normal conversations. Who draws a graph in the middle of a discussion. Apparently the guy keeping my mood up.
I don't think I lost this argument, but I will be returning to the discussion table with a graphing calculator and compass in hand very soon.

This is what he looked like after trying to sell this nonsense to me.

This is Joe singing to me after assuming he won the argument...Who is this guy, seriously. Crazy Joe.

Thats all Anne has for now.

Nov 24, 2012

I'm well aware that life is just one big social experiment after another. I think I just take note of it more often than most. Its been raining quite a lot these pass few days and I don't mind having to go to work on crappy days.
One of my favorite kids today told me “I’m not so good” at the beginning of class. I'm assuming because I pound the importance of greeting people and asking how are you and having a real reply. I ask him why and he didn't say anything. I told him “its ok, we'll have a good class”. By the end of the class he was smiling, not at his 100%, but seemingly a little better than before. He hugged me and said thank you at the end of class. I'm not sure if he realized what he said or what he was doing, but he made my chest hurt a little inside. I like the pure honesty of kids. We all have bad days and just telling someone sometimes helps a little, I think.

Happy Thanksgiving, apparently...