In the wake of the company I'm working for filing for bankruptcy, and perhaps my soon to be unemployment, my scope of options "seem" good. I happily spoke with a guy from the Teachers of English to Foreign Languages (TEFL). We had a nice long chat about the places I could work overseas if/when I get this teaching certificate. I could do an online course for 2 months with 20 in class hours...
As much as I fuss about not wanting to teach, I think getting myself in the door is whats most important right now. The nice fellow even offered to put me on a payment plan and seemed to really willing to work with me. I'm guessing my story was compelling enough to get him excited. (I'd like to believe that I have that affect on people. I'm sure its not true.hahahahahaha)
So Plan B...
Get teaching certificate, move to Korea (they pay more it seems; health insurance, living expenses, wages, etc. Still researching and its a ferry ride from Japan), sublet Phoenix Lounge to Eliz for a year (if she finds a job here), decide my next move after that...just to start.
I have a Plan C thru DDD, but no need to go into details. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated on any or all above.
you can do it :)