Jun 10, 2011

12 days to go

Oh Diana,

What a strange time it is for me. I picked up my last salary from the private school today. I'm not sure what they told the students about "Teacher D" no longer teaching there, but I have a feeling it was along the lines of "well she died and/or ran away" or something. I walked into the school and students were looking as if they saw a ghost and shouting "Teacher D is ok". Sadly, I didn't hang around long enough to talk or chit-chat. I have apartments to look at, ugh. I think the students and teachers are use to nothing ever being consistent or organized. As I left the school grounds, I saw some parents holding that stupid brochure for the school with my ugly mug proudly advertising the schools 'internationalism'. I laughed and thought, "well they have that if they want to remember me, whatever.” On to the next thing now.
12 days to go. I have no idea what I should be doing (well yes I do, but I've turned into a lazy snail) I've called the US consulate in France, the Chinese consulate in France, spoke to a few people here at the Immigration Exit & Entrance Bureau, posted on various Q&A forums about getting a visa without going to home country...they all say it’s possible and should be ok if I fill out all the 6 pages correctly and pray. If I’ve learned anything here is that nothing is consistent, rules are made for shits and giggles, and you can be denied for any and everything for no rational reason.
So I'm looking for place now, yes with 12 days to go. My friend's place became a bit of a soap opera and you know how much I like drama...I don't. Her roommate is feeling neglected and ignore by my friend. (I'm not sure why, he has a good rotation of 5 girls in and out of his room) My friend seems deathly afraid of him, because he's suddenly become this asshole that thinks he's king of the house. I am trying to be adult about grown ass people acting like spoiled 8 year olds throwing tantrums. The guy doesn't want to confront me about whatever’s bother him. Jo seems to think that he's afraid of me. He fucking should be. I told Regina, it will take one time for him to pretend to raise his voice at me and I will be the last female in his room...kicking his ass. She doesn't want trouble or confrontation. So therefore I am trying to find an apartment, hopefully with her. I'm thinking that I've never lived with a female before and it worries me that she is a bit too shy at times like this. I'm surprised because she threatened to kill 2 women that where trying to hustle me over a Chloe bag. On the other hand, her roommate is a handsome 6'2 lean African dude that likes to yell at her when no one is around. I must remember to be diplomatic…I decided to try to just look for another place and be civil with this dude. I believe he’s not met someone he can’t smooth talk before. I’m glad to make his acquaintance and happy to be the 1st to let him know his shit does stink like everyone else’s. I promise not bloodshed, is what I told Jo. So Jo has been staying over a few times. (I not sure if its for my protect or the roommates)

Anyway, my days are filled with NPR music,news, stories, following the NBA finals (waking up at 8am) GO MAVS!!!, taking naps (you know I love my naps), yoga, blind massages, and me practicing my Chinese. I might have to bite the bullet and seriously enroll in a school. I can't believe how stupid this language is making me feel.

Ok, must make a to do list for this weekend. Time is flying here. Its been almost a year. I do not believe it!!!

love love,

Anne with an 'e'

1 comment:

  1. it HAS been nearly a year, woo! i gotta tell you - my hotwind shoes are the gifts that keep on giving. every time somebody comments on them, i send you good stay-well-in-asia vibes. xo.
