Nov 24, 2011

While missing Thanksgiving dinner...

As I walk around like a zombie trying to figure out and over calculate every move I make now, I find myself making silly mistakes. Sending the wrong resume out, not taking the time difference into account when trying to Skype people for interviews...etc, etc.
Poor choices: Trying to apply for jobs after 2 hours sleep (I've become a crazy person trying to edit, write and organize) 3 to 4 hours of oral English lessons including but not limited to power point presentations and practice (one of my 1 on 1 business English students is a VP for Balluff China. He genuinely loves how interested I am in his company and my ppt ideas for different presentations he's had with his German and American heads and coworkers...ok, you're caught now). After 60+ slides I want to kill myself, but am extremely surprised how much I've learned and how my knowledge from the rail industry has prove somehow useful in automation/machine tools/sensors...blah, blah, blah I won't bore you.

So in order to come home to the good ole US of A without being a complete peasant, I will try and make a few dollars (thats literal...a very few USD) before I return home (i.e. teaching private lessons) Meanwhile buying time for flight prices to go down and visa to expire :)

My day to day activities include staring/reviewing my writings and hating them and being emotional and frustrated and basically thinking too much. I get up today and while showering my electricity suddenly stopped. I went to call my roommate and asked him “Ummm whats up?”. I immediately remembered that he is in Germany or Japan or somewhere NOT IN SHANGHAI. I told Joe and he asked if he David paid the electricity and I told him “I think so”. I realized at this point that I've become, what seems like to me at the moment, some helpless character in this strange story I've been living in for over a year now. Common sense would tell one “check” the circuit and flip the switch” or “get the maintenance guy to check on things”...but no

Joe is looking at old electric bills to calculate the most I (meaning him)would need to take to the company to pay to get everything back on (while quietly cursing my roommate for being incompetent and himself for finding such a roommate.) He stops and realizes that I don't seem the least bit worried about the cold (*sidenote: he's from Africa where 70 degrees warrants dressing like an Alaskan...its not cold, about 50F) temperatures that have hit Shanghai and not having electricity = no heat. He tells me that he's going to talk to the building guy and see what the problem is. 20 minutes later, crazy doorman guy comes up, flips the fuse (just to be fair, I had no idea where the fuse box was located) and everything was fine. Joe looks at me saying, extremely relieved,“thank god it was a quick fix because you would've froze to death”. (death Joe, really?)I told him “I can't wait to see you in a REAL crisis situation”

So that's me, some damsel in distress minus the distress...

Happy Thanksgiving



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