Sep 12, 2011

what am I missing

So apparently Anne might not be cut out for relationships...period. Joe is currently in the hospital being watched by a doctor. I've only been back 14 days and Joe came back from a 2daywork trip (which I suggested (told) him not to go because he wasn't looking well) feeling awful. He's visibly loss MORE weight and has zero energy. He goes to a few doctors, they give him medicine and he sort of takes it. Then complains of nothing working. We argue when I tell him that he's not taking care of himself and then he goes missing for 3 days. I got a text message from him, after I've tried calling a few times, saying "I can't use the phone while I'm staying in the hospital. YOU told me that I needed to take better care of thats what I'm doing". UNBELIEVEABLE...I would almost prefer him cheating. BECAUSE THAT WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE TO ME. Am I missing something? Can guys really be that worried about looking weak? Could something be really wrong and he doesn't want to tell me...ugh. I don't like this. I've been looking at the cost tickets back to the States versus buying a Visa through an agent. No jobs here, definitely no jobs there, its making my head hurt. France truly costed me more than I realized, but I'm trying very hard to look at the bright side. I need to find a gym and sauna...

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