Aug 14, 2011

I don't understand...

Children or some parents. I just don't. My former BFF now turn anchenemy has begun to test my patience everyday since the departure of her mother. Now tiger dad is gone, she thinks she is running the place. I try to be fair and say "everyone is equal", "let's work together and we'll finish quicker"...none of these are things Charlotte is interested in. I was concerned for her before, but I don't think I realized how far gone she really was. At the ripe age of 6 she feels that she can tell me "I don't have to listen to you. This is my house, and I don't need help with anything". I could seriously reason with a terrorist better than I could with Charlotte. No one has told her that talking to strangers is bad. No one has told her that you shouldn't accept candy from strangers. No one has told her that when someone is responsible for you, YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THEM.

Before both parents left, I asked them for EMERGENCY contact numbers, where's the hospital, where are the kids IDs and what to do in the know WHEN SHIT GOES DOWN. what are the neighbors know things EVERY PARENT WOULD NORMALLY GIVE YOU WHEN THEY LEAVE THEIR CHILDREN. The response I received is "oh Jacques knows what to do. It will be fine." I asked several more times before they left. I know how stupid kids are, and how they do stupid kid things, because they are...KIDS.
I ask Jacques for details and he says that his mother and tiger dad keep all of their passports and medical information and that he has important phone numbers and I shouldn't worry...I worry

Last night I sent Charlotte to bed without lunch and dinner because she ate her weight in candy and gum and lied about it. She ransacked her brother's room and my room looking for candy (my sore throat cough drops) and anything sweet. Stashed all her newly found booty in her room (family sized jar of Nutella, 2 litters of Lime Schwepps, the list is long) She said that her dad said that she could have them. I have zero tolerance for liers and absolutely disdain for theives. She moved to the top of my SHIT list. She thought I would be like her mom and dad and give in and take her a plate of food or happily accept her apology...ummm NO. I told her that she can have her candy she stole for lunch and dinner. I also told her brothers if they gave her ANYTHING, they would be on the same meal plan as well. We go to bed with no arguments and she cries herself to sleep.

I get up and go to the main house to see the kids. The boys report me that Charlotte got up, ate breakfast, cleaned her room, and was now practicing her alphabet...I'm thinking "we'll see how long this last". Charlotte greets me with a happy bonjour and wants me to look over her work. I oblige her in this 'farce'. I go back to my house to clean up and do hour later I hear a scream and Pierre runs to me yelling "Charlotte fell, there's a hole in her head, her eye is bleeding. There is blood!!! There is blood!!!" I quickly go over while thinking "of course there's blood." I'd told her time and time and time again not to play on the veranda in flip flops. The house is on a cliff and is not child friendly or proof by any stretch of the imagination. I get there and can see EXACTLY what happened because blood was everywhere. When I got down to the bottom of the stairs I half expected to see a dead child. I've never seen so much blood in my entire life. How does so much blood come out of a 6 year old!?!??!?! I make sure nothing is broken and try to see what is actually bleeding and I see the hole. I almost pass out because it was like a fountain of blood. I pick her up and take her to the bathroom. She's crying and her brothers are 120% in panick mode and yelling. I tell them to bring me the First aid kit. They tell me "we don't have a first aid kit". I tell them I thought I saw your mom buy it last month when we went shopping. They tell me "oh, she said that wasn't necessary". I roll my eyes say "of course". I start wiping the blood off and see that her eyes are ok and its a slit that 'looks' like a hole and that she probably need stitches or something, but we need to go to see the doctor. I tell Jacques call the neighbors and tell them what happen and they well need to go to the hospital and Pierre to bring me MY little'JOHNSON AND JOHNSON I NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT' FIRST AID KIT. I try to apply pressure with a million little gauzes, but it will not stop bleeding. I ask Jacques for medical information or anything identifying Charlotte so that the hospital will know. He tells me "we don't have anything like that" I look at him and smile and tell him to try and get ahold of tiger mom or dad. He then tells me that Alain is on another flight and its not landed and his mom is in a meeting. Thank God for responsible neighbors. They came and wondered why we can't contact the parents and why they didn't leave the kids information with me...I simply shrug my shoulders and shake my head. We go to a Pharmacy (because you can see a doctor there and tell you what to do) buy some adhesive stips. We then go to another neighbors house(that turned out to be a doctor on vacation) and thought that he could fix Charlotte right up...Nope he couldn't. He did not have his tools. Thats how we ended up in the hospital emergency waiting. The hospital told us that they could not really help or release Charlotte unless a parent called or came to ok her release. Jacques looked at me and said "my mom will never call. she never comes or answers her phone in emergencies". So we wait and wait and wait. Alain, tiger dad, calls and he seems frantic and concerned. He talks to the hospital and sends all the information they needed for Charlotte to get test ran and whatever necessary things you need to do as a parent. 7 hours later tiger mom calls(Jacques said because Alain called her and said that Charlotte has a hole in her head so that was enough of an emergency to call) sounding worried and said that she got a new number (is anyone surprised here?!?!). 9 hours later Charlotte is given instuctions,headache meds, wound cleaners, bandages and all sorts of fun things. We graciously thank the neighbors for all their help. We get back to the house and I carefully throw myself and Charlotte into the bathtub and begin scrubbing all the, now somewhat dried, blood off. I hand wash our blood clothes wishing I had some Tide...because Tide is best known for getting blood out. Still don't know why they advertise that on the box when I was younger, but whatever. Just another Saturday

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